Southdown Residents

It has come to the attention of the HOA Board of Directors that the 2022 appraised land value as increased as much a 86% above the 2021 appraised value.  This applies to the land only, not the house or any additional structures on the land.

Brazoria County Appraisal District is proposing as high as an 86% increase in land value for most of the homes in Southdown.  A study of data available from the Brazoria County Appraisal District shows that of 1509 records for Southdown examined 1225 residences have a proposed land value increase of 80% or more. 

The land values for other neighboring subdivisions, such as Autumn Lake, Country Place and South Hampton saw little or no increase in land value for 2022.  On average the increase in land value per square foot went from $4.20 to $7.80.  In addition, the land value for Southdown residences at $4.20 was already higher than the neighboring subdivisions.

Because there is strength in numbers, we would encourage you to take a close look at the 2022 Notice of Appraised Value you received and consider filing a Property Appraisal – Notice of Protest for 2022.  The deadline for filing an appeal/protest is Monday, May 16th.

Supporting data for an appeal can be found below:

2022 to 2021 Land Value Comparison

Property Appraisal Notice of Protest can be filed online.  The site is relatively user friendly.  Be sure to read the instructions for online filing carefully.  

appraised Land Values

Residents: Please CLICK HERE to read an important notice about appraised land values in our community and related protest recommendation.

The deadline for filing an appeal/protest is Monday, May 16th